The Casey family has adopted seven children, including three girls and four boys, all from India. Five of their children have special needs and were adopted as ?waiting children? through Holt. Through the years, the Caseys have encountered many different challenges as adoptive parents, including issues associated with older child and special needs adoption. They have also experienced the wonder and joy, seven times over, of bringing a new child into their home.
by Anne Casey
Can you help Kevin find a family?
We have learned a lot through parenting. Our kids have taught us numerous and valuable life lessons about ourselves individually, as a couple, and as a family. We are very thankful that He has created each one of us and our family through adoption! ?During the times when we feel inadequate and overwhelmed, tired beyond belief, when the answers to questions do not come, God is always there and fills within us what is lacking ? both as parents and for our whole family.
We do recognize that it has been God?s grace every step of the way along our adoption journey, because it most certainly could not be just us. We thank God every day for the children He has blessed us with, ever mindful of the awesome responsibility that has been entrusted to us. ?We also recognize the honor and privilege it is to be adoptive parents.
We are so grateful to all the families that have talked to us through the years and all the time they have shared their real life, personal experiences.??Now we are happy to pass along our personal experiences! ?We hope we can be a source of strength and encouragement to prospective adoptive parents.
And, yes, amidst the joys of parenting, there are many challenges, difficulties and struggles. And when the really hard days heap upon us, we pray, step back and take a look at the ?big picture? ? trusting in God, trusting in the adoption process, believing in our kids and ourselves as their parents. ?It is at that moment that we are truly humbled by the great blessing our family is to us, our kids and to so many others.
Anne shares a little about Kevin, an 8-year-old boy who needs a family:
Kevin is a bright, playful and handsome boy from Southeast Asia who has been waiting a long time for his forever family.? Upon looking at the photo of Kevin, I quickly see his beautiful smile and endearing eyes and immediately click on additional photos to see more.? Wow!? What a wonderful surprise to find a beautiful drawing handcrafted by Kevin!? I look at this and wonder what Kevin would say to his forever mommy and daddy about this grand drawing. And how about all the wonderful words of encouragement they would share with him in support of his talent and interest in drawing!? Also, how spectacular it would be for Kevin to see his drawing stuck to the front of the refrigerator, or hung on the living room wall ? or how about in his new mommy or daddy?s office?
Kevin's drawing
I again think of all the potential Kevin has and so many thoughts and emotions go through my mind and heart as I wonder about the prospective family that will?surely be blessed by this budding artist!? I also think that a picture is worth a thousand words, and I am left a bit speechless as I click through the other precious photos of Kevin.? My mind and heart is a flurry of emotion as I can only imagine wonderful things to come for Kevin!?? He has so much to share, and so much to give to others as is already displayed in this one drawing.
I am a mom to kids adopted at older ages. I have also experienced both post-institutional and post-foster care issues. Based on my experience, I think Kevin really needs a family that can support him through any issues he may have related to older child adoption or his birth history. I also think Kevin would benefit from a family that understands transition issues related to long-term foster care.? Kevin is waiting to be a son! Please do not delay, and email Erin for more information about this handsome and talented boy!
Our family prayer for Kevin:? God bless Kevin as he waits for his forever family.? We pray that Kevin will not wait much longer and that his forever family will call Holt International very soon.? Also, we pray the words of Psalm 118:24 ?This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad!? as we look forward to the day when Kevin is finally home drawing, waving, smiling, laughing and playing with his forever family!
?For more information about Kevin, email Erin Mower at
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