If you've ever scoffed at Flickr, felt that photo sharing and storage websites hold your photos hostage, associated photos on the Web with platform lock-in, then you've already started to get a sense of why Jaisen Mathai left Yahoo last year to build
OpenPhoto. Appalled by having to watch Yahoo let an awesome startup/service like Flickr go to seed, ("I was extremely frustrated by the lack of product vision,"
Mathai said at the time), he took to Kickstarter and raised the $25K he needed to get it off the ground. The OpenPhoto project has gained the attention of ex-Yahoo and Apple engineers, current Twilio and Mozilla engineers, and more, who are all donating their time to help get Mathai's open source photo hosting and sharing platform off the ground. Today, Mathai is officially unveiling the new OpenPhoto iPhone app, a new website, and sharing more about a project that I'm fully convinced will eventually replace all of your other photo sharing and storage tools. Plenty for geeks to get excited about, and plenty for the non-geeky as well.
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