Are you having a hard time thinking of ways to get women to like you? Not all women have the same likes and dislikes, but when it comes to men, they share the same bag of candies. Here are some of the good stuffs that will help you get started.
Learn to talk
Women like it when you make them laugh. It is a big plus for a man with a great sense of humor. Although the attraction comes first in appearance, all those good looks will be useless if you don?t know how to carry a conversation. There are women who like to talk a lot. When you encounter these types, be sure to listen, or even just appear to be listening. This will show that you are able to care a lot. There are also some who like to observe, and lets you do all the talking. Be prepared. You don?t want to end up on pauses. This will be very uncomfortable and awkward. Jokes are not necessary. Punch lines are preferable. Try to use one that involves you two, or she is talking about at this point.
Loosen up
There is nothing more effective than just being yourself. Women would feel much relaxed being with you, if she sees that you are comfortable to her. Do not be stiff. Women, more than men are observant and notices even the most insignificant details. You will never learn how to get a woman if you won?t get a grip of yourself. It?s okay to be nervous as long as you don?t show it. You don?t want any woman to know right away that you are into them. If this happens, she will have more confidence over you. Confidence is a very big factor. Women like it when you appear alpha male. This will show without words how confident you are and reflects reliability. Every woman becomes vulnerable once in a while, and it will be great for them to think they can have somebody to rely on.
Smell good
To make everything agreeable there should always be balance. Almost all women want to look pretty and smell good. They wouldn?t want to be paired with someone who forgot to take a shower. Neatness unlike beauty is not relative. However, you dress and whatever style you prefer, how neat you will be determined at how trimmed your fingernails are, and if there is no dirt stuck in it. If you have body odors that will be a problem you have to work on. Balance means looking good on the outside and inside.
Most importantly, even when you have all these, it will all go down to how sincere you are with the woman you want to get. All women want to look pretty and smell good. They wouldn?t want to be paired with someone who forgot to take a shower. Neatness unlike beauty is not relative. However, you dress and whatever style you prefer, how neat you will be determined at how trimmed your fingernails are, and if there is no dirt stuck in it. If you have body odors that will be a problem you have to work on. Balance means looking good on the outside and inside.
Most importantly, even when you have all these, it will all go down to how sincere you are with the woman you want to get.
Find the best advices on how to get women from Guy Moreno a relationship expert that would give you a helpful information. For a complete guide you can log on to this site:
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