Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lebedev Plans Own News of the World ? Feeds ? World Post News

Billionaire Alexander Lebedev denied an interest in acquiring Rupert Murdoch?s defunct News of the World but said he wanted to publish a similar newspaper in Russia.

from Yahoo News- World Newspaper Article- Click Here:
Lebedev Plans Own News of the World


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Spec ops chief warns of al-Qaida 2.0 (AP)

ASPEN, Colo. ? The top commander of U.S. special operations forces said Wednesday that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida is bloodied and "nearing its end," but he warned the next generation of militants could keep special operations fighting for a decade to come.

Navy SEAL Adm. Eric T. Olson described the killing of bin Laden by a special operations raid on May 2 as a near-killing blow for what he called "al-Qaida 1.0," as created by bin Laden and led from his hideout in Pakistan.

Olson said the group had already lost steam because of the revolts of the Arab Spring, which proved the Muslim world did not need al-Qaida to bring down governments, from Tunisia to Egypt.

"I think the death of bin Laden was an uppercut to the jaw," Olson told a packed crowd, opening the Aspen Security Forum. "It just knocked them on their heels."

Olson echoed other administration officials who are predicting al-Qaida's demise if a few more key leaders can be eliminated.

But the four-star admiral warned of the fight to come against what he called al-Qaida 2.0, with new leaders like American-born radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen, who Olson said understands America better than Americans understand him.

"It will morph, it will disperse," he said of the movement. "It will become in some ways more westernized, (with) dual passport holders" and "fewer cave dwellers," he said.

Olson said others like al-Awlaki will probably refine their message to appeal to a wider audience, and seek ungoverned spaces to operate from, where they can smuggle in weapons and train their followers. He described how current offshoots like al-Awlaki's al-Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen are cooperating with militants in Somalia, describing what he called an "invisible bridge" between the two.

Nor did the admiral write off bin Laden's successor, Ayman al-Zawahri. He said al-Zawahri had not yet put his stamp on the original organization, so U.S. counterterrorist forces do not yet know what kind of threat his leadership will present.

Olson agreed with the White House's newly announced policy to strike terrorists through focused action rather than full-scale invasion, preferably by training and working with the host country's forces. He cautioned against thinking raids would solve all U.S. foreign policy problems.

"This idea of being able to wait over the horizon and spring over and chop off heads doesn't really work," he said, describing the "yin and yang" of special operations as including capture-and-kill raids as well as long-term engagement with host countries' militaries. The latter involves U.S. troops "developing long-term relationships, learning languages, meeting people, studying histories, learning black markets."

"If you don't know that, you won't be an effective counterterrorism force," Olson said.

Olson said the fight against all versions of al-Qaida could keep U.S. special operations troops deploying at the same pace for another decade, even as U.S. conventional forces draw down from places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

The admiral said that will keep the pressure on his already frayed force, which is now seeing the departure of many mid-level troops who joined just after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and have gotten worn out by the pace of constant deployments. The Special Operations Command has nearly doubled in size since the attacks, from 32,000 to some 60,000, including units like SEALs, Army Special Forces Green Berets and Rangers, and Marine Special Operators. But Olson said nearly half that force is deployed at any one time, and that tempo is taking its toll on troops and their families, resulting in divorces or separations.

Currently the longest serving Navy SEAL, Olson is less than two weeks from retiring after 38 years of service. He'll be replaced by another Navy SEAL: Adm. Bill McRaven, the commander of the raid that got bin Laden.


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Book Excerpt: Focus on Healing by Jennifer ... - I Heart Book Reviews

Jennifer Barraclough

Chapter Extract from ?Focus on Healing? by Jennifer Barraclough

What is holistic healing?

Healing means ?to make sound or healthy? and is a very broad concept. The word is also used as a shorthand description for the specific therapies known as spiritual, or energy, healing.

Health is not just the freedom from disease, but a positive state of balance and well-being in body, emotions, mind and spirit. All living things ? humans, animals and plants ? naturally aspire to this state.

Holistic means ?considering something as a whole, and more than just the sum of its parts?.

Holistic healing involves all aspects of the person ? body, emotions, mind and spirit, considered within the wider setting of their social relationships and physical environment ? in the quest for better health. People who can benefit from the holistic approach include:

? those who are already in good health and want to continue that way ? prevention is better than cure;

? those suffering from serious physical or mental disease;

? those with chronic symptoms which are causing distress, even if they are not life-threatening or do not fit in to any known medical diagnostic category.

I believe that the holistic philosophy can and should be part of any self-healing endeavor and of any professional treatment, whether in orthodox healthcare (also called conventional, allopathic or mainstream medicine) or in natural therapy (also called complementary and alternative medicine, abbreviated to CAM). It cannot be assumed that natural therapy practitioners are always ?holistic? and that conventionally-trained doctors and nurses are not ? sometimes it is the other way round! The benefits of the holistic approach are now being acknowledged in many areas of mainstream medical practice.

All the methods to be described in this book can be combined with orthodox care. When wisely used, the orthodox and holistic approaches have a lot in common. But there are also important differences. The orthodox approach is chiefly focused on material things which can be observed and measured, whereas the holistic one puts more weight on the intangible psychospiritual realm. And whereas by definition the holistic approach is about seeing things as a whole, the orthodox one tends to divide things up. Much of orthodox medicine is based on the classification of cases into specific disease states each with their characteristic causes, symptoms, clinical signs, laboratory findings, natural history and response to treatment. There are healthcare professionals specialising in different diseases, disorders of different body parts, or disorders of different physiological systems, often working in separate departments or even separate hospitals and not always communicating with each other very much. Given the vast and complex knowledge base of modern medicine, such compartmentalisation is probably unavoidable, for it would be impossible for any one person to keep pace with advances in all branches of the profession.

For many patients with well-defined disorders the orthodox healthcare setup does work very well. But for symptoms which cannot be explained by the disease model, conditions which involve more than one body system, or when several different disorders are present at the same time, it can lead to unsatisfactory fragmentation. Different parts of the body are interconnected in ways which are not always obvious. For example, gum disease is linked with heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers; and many headaches are due at least in part to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system. Narrow specialisation within medicine can hinder the recognition of such links.

Not only are there many subdivisions within medicine itself, but in most clinical settings there is a huge gulf between medicine and psychiatry ? even though psychological and physical problems are often closely intertwined. Body and mind form an integrated unit, connected by two-way feedback systems. The ?mind-on-body? direction of these circuits involves the effects of emotions, thoughts and beliefs on physical health. The ?body-on-mind? direction involves the effects of biological factors on mental health.

The wish to be considered as a whole person, not as a collection of isolated parts, is therefore one of the main factors driving the growth of interest in the holistic approach. Another is a wish for safer, more natural treatments. Pharmaceutical drugs and surgery can have tremendous benefits. They are life-saving in many acute conditions, and an essential mainstay of management for many chronic ones. Even so, advocates of holistic healing prefer to avoid these high-tech interventions if at all possible. Though they may be powerfully effective in suppressing symptoms or attacking disease, they do not always deal with the root causes of illness, and they almost invariably have unwanted effects as well as therapeutic ones. Natural therapies, generally speaking, are gentler and safer and act by stimulating the person?s own capacity for recovery. Because this is primarily a self-help book I have made no attempt to cover the full range of these therapies, though a few specific approaches will be mentioned to illustrate various points, and I have included an Appendix outlining the system of Bach flower remedies which I use in my own practice.

Self-help is an essential part of holistic healing. Whatever other treatment is used, the sick person?s own desire and intention to get well are essential to the process.

Those exploring holistic healing must be prepared to some extent to make their own judgments and choices. Although there is a growing volume of research about mind-body medicine and natural therapies, and it is encouraging to see so many formal academic studies being done, there are still many controversies and unanswered questions. The ancient philosophical principles which underpin holistic healing cannot always be validated with ?scientific? methods. Some of the natural therapies which have been observed to benefit thousands of individuals do not stand up so well when tested in formal clinical trials. So although I would have liked to be able to back up all the suggestions in this book with sound published evidence, this has not always been possible and it will often be up to you, the reader, to decide what holds true for you personally.

The nature of the healing journey

It is said that all healing is self-healing. Not even the best of professional treatment can succeed unless a person?s natural life force and restorative capacities are still present. Many illnesses recover without treatment ? even sometimes despite treatment.

The body is continually striving towards good health as its natural state of being, and has an innate intelligence which often enables it to recover if allowed to do so by being provided with the right physical conditions, and the right messages from the mind. This means removing the various toxins which have contributed to development of the illness, or are preventing its recovery. Both toxins such as infections or poisons, and psychological toxins such as negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions, difficult relationships, and sources of external stress are included here. If further interventions are needed, the best ones to choose are those which stimulate the person?s own powers of self-healing.

Some healers say that anything can be healed. Since beginning to explore the holistic approach I have heard many stories of apparently complete cure from conditions which had been labeled as hopeless by the medical profession. Some detailed accounts of such cases can be found in Remarkable Recovery by Caryle Hirshberg and Marc Ian Barasch (Riverhead Books). Sometimes the explanation seems to be biological ? for example advanced cancers can go into remission after the patient undertakes a radical change of diet, or suffers a high fever due to infection. Sometimes the turnaround follows a psychological shift, usually including the following features:

? a strong desire to recover;

? a strong belief that recovery is possible;

? a major change in attitudes and way of living;

? a resolution to do something worthwhile with the new lease of life.

While it may be true in theory that (almost) anything can be healed, it must be acknowledged that in practice not all illness will recover. Healing is not always curing; sometimes it is more about coming to terms with the situation so that quality of life is restored, perhaps even enriched, in creative new ways. When this happens, physical improvement may well follow. But even when a disease is so advanced and severe that a cure is highly unlikely, there is always scope for relief of symptoms, improved emotional adjustment, a sense of peace and a heightened awareness of the spiritual dimension of life. Maintaining optimism that healing in this wider sense of the word is always possible is always important, however dire the situation may seem.

Rapid and apparently miraculous recoveries do happen sometimes, though by definition they are rare. Gradual improvement is more common, equally valid, and often easier to cope with. One meaning of the axiom healing is a process not an event is that natural healing often proceeds slowly. The body has the wisdom to prioritise the process so that the most serious problems are tackled first. There may be apparent setbacks which are due to ?healing reactions? (also called healing responses, or aggravations) as physical or mental toxins are cleared from the system. A more profound meaning of this axiom is that a life well-lived is more about the journey than the final destination. The journey of healing can be long but rewarding, ?peeling the layers of the onion? to reveal the good nature of the true essential self.

Anyone who embarks on a serious exploration of the holistic approach will want to look more deeply into the significance of their illness on levels besides the physical. The saying form follows thought implies that many physical health problems have a psychological or spiritual basis, though material disease-causing agents are usually involved as well. Therefore, there may be a meaning in a person?s symptoms and, if and when this is recognised, the illness may even come to be seen as a ?gift?.

The benefits of a positive focus

Orthodox medical practice is mostly concerned with pathology ? diagnosing what is wrong with a person already, and searching for indicators of what else might go wrong in the future. But according to the teachings of many noted healers, energy is better directed to promoting health than to fighting illness. Edward Bach, for example, claimed that his flower essences worked by ?flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which disease melts away like snow in the sun?. Cultivation of positive thoughts and mental qualities, love and harmony in personal relationships, and a life path which brings meaning and joy, are all powerfully conducive to self-healing. One of the major changes in my own approach has been to focus on the potential for positive personal growth instead of just exploring the problems.

But this introduces a paradox. On the one hand your illness may be dominating your life, so that your healing journey is the most significant venture you will ever undertake. On the other hand it can be unwise to let yourself become too identified with your bodily condition or make it your one and only focus. This is why the ?fighting spirit? attitude, though often advocated, does not always help. When you direct your personal energy towards something, whatever it may be, you tend to magnify its significance and continue to attract it into your experience. In other words you are likely to get more of whatever you think about, or feel strongly about ? whether you want it or not. It is now well established that our feelings, thoughts, beliefs and mental images can impact on our biochemistry, and even on the expression of our genes and on the structure of our brains. And as well as having these internal effects there is evidence that they can radiate outwards to resonate with similar vibrations in the wider universe, so that we act as both transmitters and receivers at an energetic level. This is consistent with many spiritual teachings and is the essence of the Law of Attraction ( which can be summed up in the saying ?like attracts like?. Making use of the Law of Attraction to create the conditions you desire, including better health, means taking your mental focus away from your illness and towards the things you want instead.

About the author:

Jennifer Barraclough is a graduate of Oxford University Medical School and practiced for many years as a medical doctor in England before moving to New Zealand and becoming a Bach flower therapist and life coach. She has authored or edited several previous books including ?An Outline of Modern Psychiatry? ?Cancer and ?Emotion? and ?Enhancing Cancer Care?, and published a number of research papers. She lives in Auckland with her husband and cats. To learn more, please

About the book:

There are many different pathways to healing. Taking a holistic approach which considers the whole person ? body, emotions, mind and spirit ? this practical guide will empower readers to make the choices which are best for them. Self-help methods including lifestyle changes, cultivation of positive mental qualities, and mind-body techniques such as visualization are outlined. It also discusses how to make informed use of professional treatments whether mainstream or alternative, and describes the principles of natural therapy with brief descriptions of some frequently-used modalities. The idea that illness can lead to a positive transformation, for example by stimulating creativity, is illustrated by real-life stories from contributors who have used the approaches described in the book to cope with medical conditions ranging from cancer to heart disease. Jennifer Barraclough?s background in both orthodox medicine and holistic healing, and her experience of being a patient herself, makes her uniquely qualified to provide a balanced overview of the topics covered in this book. Written primarily for those who are living with a long-term illness, ?Focus on Healing? will also be of interest to healthcare professionals, and to general readers who are interested in natural health.


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Friday, July 29, 2011

Beware fruits and vegetables do not like colorectal cancer

Home > Fruit Tree > Beware Fruits and Vegetables Do Not Like Colorectal Cancer

Posted on July 28, 2011

Beware fruits and vegetables do not like colorectal cancerCold winter, many people like to eat meat to enhance the ability to keep out the cold, and cold outdoor activities have been "frozen" the. Experts point out that excessive intake of red meat, fruit and vegetable intake, exercise less, are the leading risk factors for colorectal cancer, while white-collar workers are more vulnerable to colon problems.

Department of Oncology, Cancer Hospital of Peking University, Director, Professor Shen Lin, in addition to genetic factors, obesity, lack of exercise, constipation, smoking, heavy drinking, excessive intake of red meat or processed meat products, fruit and vegetable intake, have may lead to colorectal cancer. Moreover, the higher the incidence of colorectal cancer in rural areas, and people suspected of eating and health habits; in Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities, lack of physical labor and exercise of office workers are more susceptible to colon cancer.

Beijing Millennium Monument Hospital, director of colorectal surgery anal Millennium Monument in Beijing, Professor Luo Chenghua Hospital recently held the "first new national Colorectal Anal Technology Seminar", pointed out that China in recent years such as colorectal cancer and increased incidence of anorectal disease incidence Age was significantly ahead of the average 45-year-old, and increased cancer risk increases with age. But early colorectal cancer often has no symptoms, to the late stage showed weight loss, fatigue, anemia, blood in the stool, stool thinning, change in bowel habits and abdominal pain. Therefore, the 307 Hospital of Oncology remind Xu Jianming, director, 50 years old or people with these risk factors should be screened, and a genetic or family history of cancer should begin screening earlier. In treatment, the latest experiments confirm that cetuximab combined with standard first-line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer KRAS wild-type, can significantly improve the overall survival rate.


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Thursday, July 28, 2011

CallBar and Apptivator [Jailbreak]

CallBar and Apptivator [Jailbreak] CallBar and Apptivator are just two examples of the Jailbreak community being in full flurry this summer with what has been the most productive and innovative season of Jailbreak tweaks to date. At a time when people question the current value of jailbreaking with iOS 5 on the horizon, the jailbreak community have spoken up [...]


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Joan Allen and Albert Finney in Talks for Bourne Legacy

Joan Allen and Albert Finney are in negotiations to join Universal's The Bourne Legacy, the latest installment in the successful Bourne spy series.

While Matt Damon is not headlining this installment of the franchise -- instead, Jeremy Renner will star as a new operative -- Allen and Finney will step back into the roles they created in the previous chapters. Allen will again be seen as the CIA agent she played in 2004's The Bourne Supremacy and 2007's The Bourne Ultimatum. Finney, who was seen as the head of a behavior modification program in Ultimatum, will pick up where he left off as well.

Tony Gilroy, who was a writer on the first three Bourne movies, is both writing and directing this time around.?

Legacy?will also star Rachel Weisz, Oscar Isaac and Edward Norton.

Frank Marshall, Captivate Entertainment's Ben Smith and Jeffrey Weiner, and Pat Crowley are producing. Jennifer Fox is exec producer.

Allen is repped by ICM and attorney J. Franklin Stewart, while Finney is repped by Simkins Partnership.


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An apple a day away from colon cancer

Posted on July 24, 2011

An apple a day away from colon cancerFrom N Coke honest "in the Old Times"

Poland latest research shows that eating apples often can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer or the risk.

Study found that eating an apple a day, suffering from reduced risk of colorectal cancer 65%, eating other fruits or vegetables the size of the risk of colorectal cancer patients do not have this effect.

The researchers believe that the reason Apple has reduced the role of risk of colorectal cancer risk, possibly because of higher levels of flavonoids in apples due.

Focus on the apple flavonoids, antioxidants play a role, can prevent free radical molecules or damage to human tissue, thus inhibiting the occurrence of cancer and cell proliferation. Apple antioxidant content in the pulp five times, so experts recommend not to eat the apple peel.


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Monday, July 25, 2011

My own chiropractic practitioner comes with another impaired ...

By Linc

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Self Catering vacation at Ireland meant to rejuvenate Life ...

Self Catering vacation at Ireland meant to rejuvenate Life

Written by: changcissela
Total views: 46 | Word Count: 568 | Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 | 0 comments

Self catering vacation in Ireland is an excellent way of spending some quality time with your family and this makes them popular among holiday makers in Ireland. The advent of the internet has now made it much easier to access. Simply search for an Ireland self catering vacation and you will be overwhelmed the see the number of choices.

Self catering vacations are now available in almost every corner of the globe and Ireland is one of the most popular among them. Many holiday makers love to go out for a family holiday to Ireland since the nation has some of the most beautiful countryside in Europe. To most people, such vacations are the best way to explore Ireland and it even allows them to taste some of the local mouth watering Irish cuisine.
Self catering vacation in Ireland is surrounded by beautiful countryside such as the Lakes of Killarnery or the rugged scenery of the Connemara region. Such landscape can make people fell in love with nature. One of the unique features of an Irish self catering vacation is the availability of bed and breakfast option that will allow you to have your meal at your leisure.
In many known holiday vacation lodges, the early morning meal or breakfast is normally offered at an early morning hour. But self catering Ireland vacations can provide you the same thereby providing you the perfect holiday experience. Most bed and breakfast self catering Ireland vacations offer specious sun lounge where visitors can enjoy spectacular views of the garden that surrounds the lounge.
Freedom and flexibility is what an Irish bed and breakfast self catering vacations are all about. Plenty of options will be there at your disposal. You can even visit the local markets or supermarkets to fetch the fresh wholesome produce. Cook them yourself at your catering property and save substantial amount of money. Irish properties offering such services come in many forms. Either they can be a city apartment or large holiday homes located at sea coast. So make the perfect choice and head for it.
There are many self catering holiday destinations at Ireland and the one that is quite popular among people is Kildimo Village. Located at Irish County Limerick, the place is best known for several historical monuments such as Ballyculhane castle, Cullam castle and Dromore castle, which looks very similar to a fairytale castle. If you are planning to have a self catering vacation at Kildimo Village, you are making the right choice.
Self catering Ireland Vacations has firmly placed its feet in the hall of fame of the travel and tourism industry. More and more travel enthusiasts are now making their way to such vacations since it enables them to get away from professional rigors and urban chaos as well.
Self catering bed breakfast Irish resorts are the perfect choice if you are looking for a refreshing transition. These holiday destinations are much like your own private world and provide peace to travel enthusiasts.


About the Author

?Chang Cissela is a freelance journalist who loves to go on short trips almost every now and then. Fancied by the concept of Bed and Breakfast Ireland, she goes on to explore the features of the <a href="">B & B hotels in Ireland</a>. Her writing gives a clear idea about how Bread And Breakfast Hotels cater to the visitors or guests who come for a short while. You can visit : <a href=""></a><br>

Rating: Not yet rated


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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Marketing Home Security Alarm Systems Via Internet Marketing Is ...

Home Security is Way More Than Just a Home Security System
by Internet Guru Owen Walcher

Whether you like it or not, home security is an important issue. Keeping your place secure while you are away and secure when you are home will actually give you peace of mind. Nonetheless, a well secured home means enormous money savings in insurance fees and possible loss due to burglary or other disaster.

Many believe a standard alarm system to be enough for providing sufficient home security. However, modern technological developments in home surveillance and security confirm that common conception inaccurate.

Nowadays, home security is far more than just an alarm system. There are numerous security devices that not only offer typical entry/exit point ?chime? notification but a complete set of surveillance and alarm features. The most innovative systems have sophisticated movement sensors and detectors, window break sensors and shock sensors. All these provide a good deal more security against burglary than any standard alarm system. Furthermore, such products also have extreme condition monitoring capacities and can identify fire, flood, dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, critically high or low temperatures and lots more. Additionally, any modern home security alarm system can be hooked up to emergency institutions like hospitals, fire and police departments and security companies.

Most modern home security products allow owners distant access to the system and remove monitoring. Many fresh products even allow smart phone owners to govern and monitor their place through their mobile gadgets.

Home security goes past defending your house from intruders or alarming you of fire or flood. Today, house owners can opt in for home monitoring and security systems with special medical alarm devices. What this means is that medical help for your folks and you will be just a button away in the event of an accident or unexpected medical emergency. Additionally, security systems with inbuilt health alarm features allow seniors and disabled adults to enjoy the liberty of independent living while providing their relatives peace of mind that their loved ones are well protected.

You are likely thinking that such sophisticated home security products and services would come at a dear cost. Indeed, a complete security system together with service subscription could be costlier compared to a simple alarm system; however it?s advantages greatly outweigh the costs. Many insurance companies will offer significantly lower premiums and monthly payments if your house is well secured. Also, think about the money you can lose by leaving your house unprotected against burglary, fire or other disaster. Last although not least, the safety and welfare of your folks are precious.
Extra Home Alarm Systems help:

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UK's Prince Andrew 'to quit as trade envoy' (AFP)

LONDON (AFP) ? Prince Andrew is to step down from his role as Britain's trade ambassador, reports said Thursday, just four months after his links to a sex offender prompted calls for him to quit the unpaid role.

Sky News and the Daily Mail newspaper reported that the prince, 51, would be leaving his job as the government's special representative for international trade and investment, which he has held since 2001.

However, they said Queen Elizabeth II's second son would continue to travel the world in a less formal role to promote UK trade.

Neither Andrew's office at Buckingham Palace or the UK Trade and Industry (UKTI), the government agency which helps decides the destinations of his trips, would comment on the reports.

The former Royal Navy commander, who is fourth in line to the throne, is not paid for his job but his expenses are met from the government coffers.

In recent years, the prince has been dogged by accusations of lavish trips, links with key figures in repressive regimes and outspoken comments.

His friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy US businessman jailed in 2008 for soliciting a minor for prostitution, led to accusations from one opposition politician in March that Andrew had become an "embarrassment".

"I think we should be dispensing with his services. I think the charge list against him is so long now that he is a bit of an embarrassment," said former minister Chris Bryant, a lawmaker for the Labour party.

The prince's ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, also became embroiled in the Epstein row after it emerged the businessman gave her ?15,000 ($24,200, 17,100 euros) at Andrew's request to help pay off her reported multi-million-pound debts.

However, Prime Minister David Cameron's government threw its full support behind Andrew at the time, saying he was doing a "good job", while his spokesman denounced the "insinuations" in the press.

Diplomatic cables released by the WikiLeaks website last year meanwhile showed US officials were shocked by the "rude" prince's "astonishing display of candour" during a business trip to Kyrgyzstan.


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entrepreneur success stories ? Top Home Based Business Ideas

Article by Joe Albert Stewart

Copyright (c) 2011 Joe Albert Stewart

Creating a top home based business takes time, money and effort. No matter how good an idea is you still need to give it everything you?ve got.

Working from home has become so much more popular in the last two years because of the economic climate. People are looking for other ways to create sustainable income. This has created tonnes of new business opportunities.

People seem to be searching for the same thing. Freedom. Especially with the internet based business. Being able to work from a laptop means you can literally make money from anywhere in the world.

Here are my top home based business ideas.

Blogging ? Setting up blogs and providing people with useful, regular information can turn you into a niche leader. Having lots of people trust your opinion means you can easily earn commissions from products suggested by you.

Internet Network Marketing ? Network marketers earn big commissions on selling their business opportunities. Utilising systems like the ?sales funnel? to make big sales.

Niche Products ? Using eBay many have made big money by selling niche products. These niche products can be bought cheap in wholesale or through dropshippers.

Freelance Writing ? Websites like eBay have thousands of professionals who make money every day from writing content for other people. If you?re a decent writer this could work quite well.

Website Flipping ? For anyone who has good web building skills or SEO knowledge. By fixing up websites (improving their look and traffic) you can then sell them on for a profit.

The top home based business ideas aren?t easy. 97% of people that try ideas like this will fail. And that?s because they give up without letting their home business flourish. I myself use online network marketing. The key to success if you?re planning to sell something online is traffic. If you can drive large amounts of traffic to a sales page or product page you WILL make money. But generating traffic can take a long while. I use articles and videos to push traffic to my sites. If my articles or videos manage to rank in the top pages of google for certain keywords I get huge amounts of traffic.

There are other ways of traffic generation like forum posting and social media, but don?t get too crazy. It?s best to master just a couple at first before moving into anything else. Remember, any top home based business idea is great but if it?s going to succeed you need people to see it.

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Jeb Bush?s son wants his dad to run against Obama (The Ticket)

Photo of George P. Bush and his father, Jeb (Gerald Herbert/AP)

Is America ready for the third Bush presidency? George P. Bush, son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, sure thinks so.

In an interview with The Daily Caller, the younger Bush said he's urging his father to jump into the Republican primary this cycle, and said the public shouldn't be surprised to see Jeb one day make a run for the White House.

"I think that time will only continue to benefit not only [former President George W. Bush's] record, but my dad's opportunity to run for higher office," George P. Bush told TheDC's Jamie Weinstein. "Make no mistake about it, I think a lot of people sorely miss and would relish some sort of return of that type of approach to leading our country."

Two years have passed since a Bush was president. George W. ?Bush left the White House in 2009 with a dismal 22 percent approval rating, and?his father, George H.W. Bush, was president from 1989-1993.

George P. Bush, who is pursuing a career in business but co-chairs a political action committee, said his uncle's legacy could not help but affect his father's attempts at higher office.

"For better or for worse, they share the same name, they share the same blood, and kinship, and therefore it's just difficult," he said.

Jeb Bush, who served as Florida's governor from 1999-2007, has not indicated that he will run.


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Tea Party senators open to Gang plan (Politico)

Some conservative Senate freshmen are leaving the door open to supporting the Gang of Six?s new deficit-reduction plan, a subtle sign that the proposal could pick up some momentum.

While the freshmen haven?t joined more than 30 of their Senate colleagues in signing a letter backing the plan, they didn?t criticize it either.

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Many of the tea party-inspired senators say they want to see more details about potential tax hikes before making up their minds.

?I?m still waiting to see how the plan materializes in terms of the concrete proposal. Right now it?s just a memo,? freshman Sen. Mike Lee, a co-founder of the Senate tea party caucus, told POLITICO on Wednesday.

?Based on everything I?ve seen so far, I?m not convinced one way or another that it doesn?t include a substantial tax increase, in which case it?s a nonstarter,? he said.

Fellow freshman Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), who along with Lee attended the gang?s Tuesday morning presentation, said she?s going to ?seriously look at it? but noted that senators haven?t been presented with any legislative language to review.

?I have concerns,? Ayotte, a Senate Budget Committee member, told POLITICO. ?My staff last night at a briefing with the [Gang of Six] staff had questions that couldn?t be answered because we don?t have the language yet, and I think that?s important.?

Another freshman, Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri, expressed skepticism that the plan, which aims to slash the deficit by roughly $4 trillion over the next ten years, could be used as a framework for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and avert a government default by the Aug. 2 deadline.

The plan raises ?too many questions, not enough answers in the time frame we have to work with this month,? Blunt said. ?But the gang of six framework may have lots of satisfactory answers in September or October.?

The gang?s plan calls for $500 billion in immediate cuts ? what backers are calling a ?down payment? ? and would require Senate committees to identify $3.7 trillion in cuts through tax code reforms and reductions to discretionary spending and entitlement programs.

Several freshmen echoed concerns from House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), who wrote Tuesday night that the plan ?appears to increase revenues by $2.8 trillion,? including $800 billion from tax hikes related to the health care law.

That?s prompted at least one Senate freshman to reject the plan out of hand.

?At the end of the day I am concerned about the tax piece of it,? Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Penn.), the former Club for Growth president, told POLITICO. ?It does look like it?s a significant net tax increase and that?s problematic. I don?t think it works for me.?

But using the Congressional Budget Office baseline, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), a member of the gang, has said that the plan would include $1 trillion in revenue increases over the next decade while resulting in a net tax cut of $1.5 trillion. The CBO baseline assumes the Bush-era tax cuts will expire at the end of 2012.

Freshman Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) has been an ardent advocate for the Gang of Six, of which his fellow Illinois seatmate, Democratic Whip Dick Durbin, is a member. And rookie Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) praised the gang for putting forth a comprehensive, thoughtful plan, adding that it included elements he could support.

But he said he had only seen a two-page summary of the plan and needed to review it in greater detail before he could ever throw his support behind it.

?It?s not clear how the tax changes would be implemented, what the baseline they?re using is, and ultimately the impact it will have on the creation of jobs,? Rubio told POLITICO. ?If anything in that plan hurts the creation of jobs and economic growth, I can?t support it.?

Manu Raju contributed to this report.


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Friday, July 22, 2011

Nokia posts loss; to speed cuts (Investor's Business Daily)

The mobile phone giant swung to a Q2 loss of $523 mil, as it continued to lose share to high-end smartphone rivals like Apple's iPhone and low-end Asian producers. Revenue fell 7% to $13.3 bil. Nokia (NYSE:NOK - News) was recently passed by Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL - News) as the top smartphone maker. It remains the overall No. 1 cell phone maker, but Q2 shipments fell 20% to 88.5 mil. Nokia plans to speed a cost-cutting program. Shares rose 5.9%.


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kilowatt meter, power monitor - DC Kilowatt Meter for Home Use

Tweet This A direct current (DC) kilowatt meter is mainly used to determine the amount of energy consumed by an electric energy current. One of the ways it's applied in a normal capacity is to establish how much energy is used or required in a residential setting. Many electrical companies use the watt meter for this purpose. With the DC kilowatt meter, they get accurate consumption rates per unit and are able to calculate in figures exactly how much it costs to use a certain amount of watts.

The meters come in a brass and copper plating from the manufacturers and are properly fitted in a central place in the compound, usually drilled in the wall in order to secure them. Some people take the extra caution to customize them and secure the meter box so that in case a security threat were to arise, the idea of cutting the power from the meter box would not be easy.

These meters are normally digital, but there are few analog types still in use in certain parts of the world. Both types do pretty much the same job, and can measure a variety of parameters including Amp Hours(Ah), Watt Hours (Wh)Watts and Peak Currents (Amps), among others. In addition to measuring these units, the meter can also detect the Watts and Minimum Watts. It makes them very efficient and useful in an industrial setting, where they are used to calculate all of the different parameters in electric consumption on a large scale.

When using the heavy consumer machines in a factory, these meters really come into play, especially in cases where a machine operates on dangerous levels and becomes a threat to the workers. The meter will warn when a machine reaches a dangerous level, in which case it would be shut down, or if the situation is not serious, then the usage will be lowered; so the workers employ meters to take care of that.

A DC watt meter will give operators all of the information they need in terms of the amounts of electrical energy used in any field by any machine, so it allows the safe and proper functioning of many factories. When it comes to the use of direct currents, meters play a lead role in calculating and analyzing energy levels for the safety and durability of the machines in use plus the people controlling them.

They are practical and safe to have around in any situation where someone might need to employ the use of an electric machine, or simply for home use as a power monitor.

If you are interested in finding kilowatt meter, be sure to visit

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Interesting Facts About Rabies And Horse Supplements

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Horse Supplements will definitely help to make your horse strong. But if what you?re battling is rabies, you need more than just supplements. You also have to have a clear mind and the appropriate knowledge. Rabies is a word extracted from the Latin expression rabere meaning to get mad. It?s a disease within the central nervous system that may afflict all domestic animals, as well as humans and other wildlife species. Rabies is the consequence of a virus that gains entry to the horse via a bite wound brought on by another rabid animal. Although horses are not generally afflicted with rabies, it is recommended that owners vaccinate their equines against this significant threat.

Rabies is a virus which could invade the nervous system of any warm blooded animal. Rabies is typically passed on through the saliva from afflicted animals. Horses are most likely to acquire rabies by the bite of a wild carnivore, bats, or unvaccinated cats. Rabies is essentially 100% lethal as soon as clinical signs related to the disease are exhibited. Vaccination is especially important in regions of the United States in which the disease is endemic. Rabies affects both animals and humans. It persists within the wildlife. Variety in susceptibility is recognizable.

The illness has an effect on all warm blooded creatures, including human beings, and because of this, we have to be incredibly careful in managing our beloved pets. The virus is nearly always distributed by saliva through the bite of an infected animal. In addition, but more infrequently, rabies can be spread any time virus from saliva is introduced into open cuts or wounds or comes in contact with a mucous membrane in places such as the mouth area, nasal cavity, or eyes. Vaccinations are offered to prevent rabies. Horses as small as three months of age can be vaccinated.

A year by year booster is additionally needed. The suggestion for the observation period after possible coverage is determined by veterinarians. Usually, unvaccinated horses are not to be vaccinated after potential exposure and need to be quarantined and witnessed for about 6 months. Horse owners may get in touch with their animal medical practitioner to provide boosters to subjected and previously vaccinated horses. Depending on the section of the state, rabies vaccination may not be essential for horse owners, but they should at least consult with their veterinarian to go over their general management plan.

Horse Supplements can help but there are times when you need more. Lately, some have advised that vaccination might curb the symptoms of rabies, making early signs of the illness unrecognizable and possibly increasing the risk of human infection. This may be true. Instances of rabies in huge animals are seen almost exclusively in unvaccinated animals, but in some cases, fully vaccinated animals contracted the disease. This has shed light on the probability that the vaccine is not consistently effective. The chances are greater that the rabies vaccine, like every vaccine, is not perfect, and there are cases which break through the defensive barrier of the vaccine. We should always be aware of important information regarding this disease.

Horse Vitamins specialists have different tips and expert thoughts regarding how you take good care of your beloved equines making use of the supreme horse supplements in their day-to-day diet regime.

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Cultural competence - An ethical perspective - Early Childhood ...

The ethical dimensions of becoming culturally competent are simultaneously challenging and extraordinarily life affirming.


When educators in early childhood education and care settings connect with children, families and colleagues in ways that recognise cultural identity with honour and respect, it is a powerful experience.

A family day care educator recently told me how she had invited a family to share their traditional Chinese New Year celebration. After a conversation about how everyone could be involved, the educator suggested that they create a celebration on a Friday night where all the families could come together to socialise and celebrate after the working week. It was a raging success because, in the act of exploring anothers cultural identity, the families had made powerful connections with each other and the educator.

There is evidence in this example of the educator enacting what the EYLF talks about when it says Educators who are culturally competent respect multiple cultural ways of knowing, seeing and living, celebrate the benefits of diversity and have an ability to understand and honour differences (EYLF, p. 16). It is not an event or a tokenit is about learning to be connected.


But just as becoming culturally competent can be a cause for festivity, it can also be an immense challenge. Families and educators come to early childhood services with deeply felt cultural perspectivessome of which are incompatible with our own and are difficult to navigate. We are foolish if we imagine that these will be left at the front door and that people will suddenly become a homogenous group. Rather, educators who are committed to creating culturally competent settings understand that we are all different and that these differences require a respectful and patient process repeated many times.

An educator shared a story about working with a family as they were settling their baby into the centre. The family had particular beliefs about routines (sleeping, eating and nappy changing) that educators tried to follow but things were proving difficult and a shared understanding seemed to elude them. The educator told me that she and the family had tried several ways to get on the same page but each time things seemed to end in an uncomfortable agreement to keep trying. We talked about what might come next. My only response would be to keep on tryingkeep on finding ways to make connections and stop doing things that drive you apart. If a brochure about healthy eating is not helping, stop handing them out; if making an effort to chat about whats been happening over the weekend seems to workkeep doing it. Our ethical responsibility therefore is to listen, be mindful and take an interest. It is not to have all the answers.


The EYLF challenges educators to become culturally competent practitioners. Because this task is so closely associated with the relationships we form and nurture, educators who seek to strengthen their work in this area should use the ECA Code of Ethics to help them act in culturally affirming ways. First and foremost as we act in the best interests of children, but also as we act we seek to understand, listen and learn from ourselves, families and the communities we work with.

Catharine Hydon
Early childhood consultant


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Friday, July 1, 2011

Selling Your Structured Settlement Payments | ArticleBase+ / Daily ...

A great deal of people with structured settlements on their name ask this question ? can I sell my structured settlement payments? The answer is yes; obviously you?ll be able to to a dependable buyer. Selling structured settlement payments is actually an easy method to do, but with the correct individuals assisting you on the procedure.

Because of the economy?s unpredictability, more and more individuals are seeking alternatives on the best way to make their finances function for them and not the other way about. 1 such alternative is selling their structured settlement payments. Here are the straightforward steps in selling structured settlement payments:

1. Identify your need for the immediate cash. The reason for you to sell your structured settlement payments is an impending financial require which is why; ask your self this: Do you will need to sell your entire annuity or just a portion of this? There are options in selling your structured settlement payments, and it?s best if you identify your financial need to assist you make the right choice.
2. Compare the buyers and pick for the best. The easiest thing to do would be to look for the dependable structured settlement buyer. Make sure that the buyer adheres to the ethical process of the purchase and to provide you with a competitive rate as well. You need to know that the buy would require for the buyer to obtain his needed ROI, consequently, a portion of the sale will probably be allotted to him as his investment on the buy. Which is why; you need to make your study on the numerous buyers on the market to choose for the most viable 1.

Indeed, these easy steps seem to be really straightforward for you to do once you do determine to sell your structured settlement payments. But the most important thing to consider is choosing for the right buyer to make the buy work for you and not the other way around.

Singer Asset ( has both the experience and flexibility you need to make the most of the settlement you are scheduled to receive. structured settlement.


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